Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Biography of Greek Philosopher Anaximander

Biography of Greek Philosopher Anaximander Anaximander was a Greek philosopher who had a deep interest in cosmology as well as a systematic view of the world (Encyclopedia Britannica). Although little about his life and world is known today he was one of the first philosophers to write down his studies and he was an advocate of science and trying to understand the structure and organization of the world. As such he made many significant contributions to early geography and cartography and he is believed to have created the first published world map. Anaximander’s Life Anaximander was born in 610 B.C.E. in Miletus (present-day Turkey). Little is known about his early life but it is believed that he was a student of the Greek philosopher Thales of Miletus (Encyclopedia Britannica). During his studies, Anaximander wrote about astronomy, geography and the nature and organization of the world around him. Today only a small portion of Anaximander’s work survives and much of what is known about his work and life is based on reconstructions and summaries by later Greek writers and philosophers. For example in the 1st or 2nd century C.E. Aetius became compiling the work of early philosophers. His work was later followed by that of Hippolytus in the 3rd century and Simplicius in the 6th century (Encyclopedia Britannica). Despite the work of these philosophers, however, many scholars believe that Aristotle and his student Theophrastus are most responsible for what is known about Anaximander and his work today (The European Graduate School). Their summaries and reconstructions show that Anaximander and Thales formed the Milesian School of Pre-Socratic philosophy. Anaximander is also credited with inventing the gnomon on the sundial and he believed in a single principle that was the basis for the universe (Gill). Anaximander is known for writing a philosophical prose poem called On Nature and today only a fragment still exists (The European Graduate School). It is believed that many of the summaries and reconstructions of his work were based on this poem. In the poem, Anaximander describes a regulating system that governs the world and the cosmos. He also explains that there is an indefinite principle and element that form the basis for the Earth’s organization (The European Graduate School). In addition to these theories Anaximander also early new theories in astronomy, biology, geography, and geometry. Contributions to Geography and Cartography Because of his focus on the organization of the world much of Anaximander’s work contributed significantly to the development of early geography and cartography. He is credited with designing the first published map (which was later revised by Hecataeus) and he may have also built one of the first celestial globe (Encyclopedia Britannica). Anaximander’s map, although not detailed, was significant because it was the first attempt to show the entire world or at least the portion that was known to the ancient Greeks at the time. It is believed that Anaximander created this map for a number of reasons. One of which was to improve navigation between the colonies of Miletus and other colonies around the Mediterranean and Black seas ( Another reason for creating the map was to show the known world to other colonies in an attempt to make them want to join the Ionian city-states ( The final stated for creating the map was that Anaximander wanted to show a global representation of the known world to increase knowledge for himself and his peers.   Anaximander believed that the inhabited portion of the Earth was flat and it was made up of the top face of a cylinder (Encyclopedia Britannica). He also stated that the Earth’s position was not supported by anything and it simply remained in place because it was equidistant from all other things (Encyclopedia Britannica).   Other Theories and Accomplishments In addition to the structure of the Earth itself, Anaximander was also interested in the structure of the cosmos, the origin of the world and evolution. He believed that the sun and moon were hollow rings filled with fire. The rings themselves according to Anaximander had vents or holes so that the fire could shine through. The different phases of the moon and eclipses were a result of the vents closing. In trying to explain the origin of the world Anaximander developed a theory that everything originated from the apeiron (the indefinite or infinite) instead of from a specific element (Encyclopedia Britannica). He believed that motion and the ape iron were the origin of the world and motion caused opposite thing such as hot and cold or wet and dry land for instance to be separated (Encyclopedia Britannica). He also believed that the world was not eternal and would eventually be destroyed so a new world could begin. In addition to his belief in apeiron, Anaximander also believed in evolution for the development of the Earth’s living things. The world’s first creatures were said to have come from evaporation and humans came from another type of animal (Encyclopedia Britannica). Although his work was later revised by other philosophers and scientists to be more accurate, Anaximander’s writings were significant to the development of early geography, cartography, astronomy and other fields because they represented one of the first attempts to explain the world and its structure/organization. Anaximander died in 546 B.C.E. in Miletus. To learn more about Anaximander visit the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Changes and Continuities in De essays

Changes and Continuities in De essays Changes and Continuities in Demographic Migratory Patterns from 1000-1750 There were many changes and continuities in demographic migratory patterns from 1000-1750. Demography is the study of the movement and population of people. This enables us to learn about lives of people in the past. Both the Bantu Migration and the Atlantic Slave Trade were means of Immigration, which is the moving of persons into new areas. The immigration from the Bantu Migration and the later Atlantic Slave Trade occurred for different reasons. The Bantu Migration occurred because of choice. The Bantu Migration was set in notion by an increase in population, caused by a movement into their homelands of people fleeting from the drying Sahara. A theory of some scientists is that their migration was made possible due to their iron weapons, which enabled them to conquer hunting and gathering societies. The Bantus traveled first to central Sudan, then to Central Africa, and then to the rivers, such as the Congo. This migration caused the Bantus lives to change. Their optional migration changed their lives for the better, opening up new trading in crafts, a new way of kinship worship, a new cultural flourish, as well as many other great things. Because of the Bantu Migration, after thousand years, the Bantus had spread out, dispersing parts of their culture with them. Aspects such as their languages and traditions diffused to the parts of Africa traveled by the Bantus. The Atlantic Slave Trade, on the other hand, was the forced migration of a group of people. A slave is a person who is totally subject to her or his owners will. Slaves could be bought and sold, traded, leased, or mortgaged like a form of livestock. Due to the decline of many of the areas larger political groups, such as those of Ghana and Mali, and the low population density, it was more difficult to resist the Atlantic Slave Trade. Most of th...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Operation Management at Fiat Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Operation Management at Fiat - Case Study Example Fiat was founded On 11 July 1899 at Palazzo Bricherasio, the company charter of "Societ Anonima Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino" was signed. Among the members of the Board of Directors, Giovanni Agnelli stood out in the group of investors and won recognition for his determination and strategic vision. The 'Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino' company was founded in Turin, The first factory was opened in 1900 in Corso Dante. 150 workers were employed there and produced 24 cars. After that Fiat started a factory on s green field site at Melfi in southern Italy. At that time the competition was too high in the automobile industry. Fiat and all its competitors were facing a problem of poor quality products and productivity. The plant was the outcome of a major re-engineering effort undertaken by the company related to quality, productivity and endemic industrial conflict. For over a decade the plant was considered by Fiat and its competitor to be the leading example of productivity. But after the factory was started to do a better performance, it started fell down in productivity because of a strike in its production and supply area, by workers. From the very beginning the production system of Fiat's is a customer driven production system. But as the production was fallen due to the strike, the marketing department has to take steps to defend its market share, which was decreased as well. But as it's the problem of internal environment and related to human resource where alone marketing department cant do much. Marketing department can do a research "LE PEST C analysis (stands for Legal, Economical, Political, Ecological, Social, Technological and Cultural analysis)"1 along with HR department on its internal environment to find out the problem. At same time Fiat have to do another research on its customer to understand their recent behavior, needs and also on market to understand the recent market situation and future trends. All the decisions will depends up to these research result and some measurement. Such as recent consumer behavior, situation of sales and recent market share, recent market trends- after conflict was co vered and published by media. After media coverage, if the market and consumer behavior remain same marketing department need no to go for increase marketing activities such as advertisement but other promotional tools must be in working mode such as "public relation, direct marketing, sales promotion"2 etc. To capture the market share and get a competitive advantage they will use "Flank Attacking strategy"3. If the market trends shows that the future market may boom and the consumer behavior are in changing pattern as they want to spend more money for having a car, and if the demographical segment shows that the income level is increasing and will booster the sales, only then Fiat should start to build a new factory that will be worthy to Fiat in long run. If Fiat decide to start a new plant based on positive research